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2021 Seed Starting

Seeds that we are starting for spring of 2021

We have been starting many of our spring plants from seed for years now. Each year we try out some new varieties, and always bring back our favorites. Here’s what we are working with this year. We will sell or give away most of our starts, keeping as many as we can personally raise at home. Check back as we journal our successes, failures, tips, and tricks.


Black Plum *Favorite*

Black Plum *Favorite*

Brad’s Atomic Grape *New to us in 2021*

Brad’s Atomic Grape

*New to us in 2021*

Purple Bumble Bee*New to us in 2021*

Purple Bumble Bee

*New to us in 2021*

Brad's Atomic Grape

Brad's Atomic Grape

Cherokee Purple

Cherokee Purple