

Welcome to My Gardening Habit! Take a look around, let us know what you think and what you want to see more, or less of.

Lemon Drop

Lemon Drop

(Capsicum Baccatum)

***NEW TO US IN 2021***

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Packet Description:

“Seasoning pepper from Peri ripens to a clear lemon yellow: amazing fruity hot flavor great for hot sauce. 2’ plants are covered with lemon-yellow, thin walled, conical fruits teaching 2-3” long.”

Our take:

(2022) Rich yellow, with strong heat. Get ready for a bountiful harvest. These plants are heavy producers.

Our second year growing, we were able to keep a consistent watering schedule, and successfully defeated a few heavy waves of aphids.

(2021)Very excited to start growing these for the first time. Can’t wait to add these to some hot sauce, if we get a successful crop.

Check back and follow on the social medias for more frequent updates.

Plant Spacing: Rows - 24” Plants – 14 to 18”

Sun Exposure: “Peppers often appreciate a bit of afternoon shade during the hottest summer weather.”

Frost Hardy: No

Ideal Temps: 70-95F (21-35C)

German Pink

German Pink

Biquinho Yellow

Biquinho Yellow