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Cayenne Long Slim Red

Cayenne Long Slim Red

Cayenne Long Slim Red

(Spanish Variety)

American Seed

Packet Description:

“These slender, very hot peppers are excellent for pickling and canning as well as for drying. The dried flakes may be sprinkled on chiles, salsa and other dishes. The wrinkled, 5-inch long fruits are pencil-slim, maturing from dark green to fiery red. Compact plants produce high yields. (Pugency rate 30,000-50,000 Scoville units.)”

Our take:

This pepper is new to us in 2021. I picked up the seeds at a Dollar Tree during the summer. Very excited to see what we can do with them this year.

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Start indoors 8 weeks before your last frost date.

Plant Spacing: Rows – 24-26” Plants - 18”

Sun Exposure: Full

Frost Hardy: No

Ideal Temps: 75-95F (24-35C)

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